Friday, February 22, 2008

8 Things I Would Rant About if I Had the Time

In 1961 Newton Minnow, head of the FCC, described television as a "vast wasteland." In a recent book, someone said something very similar about the internet. Major contributors to the terabytes of stuff include blogs, videos and spam. The first category of blogs is personal on which we are forced to read about what someone has for breakfast every day. The second category is the blogs that pass on jokes or links to feel-good sites. Another category fills the scene with pictures and videos ranging from the blatantly X-rated to the slightly cloying pictures of animals. Many blogs are socially redeemable. They are issue-specific and often include helpful information (hopefully like my blog) or express views that may be in the form of bleats, venting, rants, philippics, and even jeremiads. You may have thought from the title of this posting that I’m about to go on a rant, but you would be wrong. I don’t have the time to tell you about all of my pet peeves; I’m not going to be an Andy Rooney. Rants often provoke scathing replies and can trigger instant defamation of character, which can only be erased by hiring a special consultant. I am providing a Letterman-like laundry list of things that bother me. You can probably tell where I stand on these issues; however, by not expanding on any of them I hope I will be able to escape instant defamation of character.

Speed humps
Reality shows
Traffic Calming devices

and finally the 4 greatest cons ever pulled on Americans:
Bottled Water

1 comment:

Diane J Standiford said...

LOL, so true. And how dare they suggest our blog are...rubbish!? SUVs---I'd like to dump them all in the ocean. No, the ocean doesn't deserve it!