Monday, December 24, 2007

Tony's TNT - The Recipe

1 cup raisins
1 cup pitted prunes
1 cup figs
1 cup dates
1 cup currants
1 cup prune concentrate (juice)

Combine contents together in food processor or blender to a thickened consistency. Store in the refrigerator between uses.

Administer 2 tablespoons twice a day (morning and evening). May increase or decrease dosage according to frequency of bowel movements.

2 tablespoons
61 calories
137mg potassium
8 mg sodium
11.9 g sugar
0.5g protein
1.4g fiber

We add more prune juice to thin out the mixture and make it easier on the blender.

This recipe can not be used through a feeding tube. "Don't try this at home"

Source: The Journal of Geriatric Nursing. Volume 28, Number 2 Article titled" "Pilot Study of the feasibility and effectiveness of a natural laxative mixture."

Recently I have needed to supplement the TNT with a dulcolax suppository to get things moving. The TNT works from the top down and the dulcolax from the bottom up. A match made in heaven.

I'm interested in hearing what others have found effective. I'm especially curious to hear from those of you who rely entirely on a feeding tube.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe in keeping things simple. All this buying of dates, figs, prunes, etc then pureeing then storing is too complicated. I use natural Senna crushed through the g-tube for the "push" from the top at bedtime and a Glycerin suppository for the "push" from the bottom the next morning. I do this bowel program twice a week. Good luck!